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PA 7 [PER]    Theobroma cacao

 Pound, F.J. (1938)
Cacao and Witchbroom Disease of South America with notes on other species of Theobroma. Archives of Cocoa Research 1: pp. 26-71.

Derivation: PArinari.
Collected by Pound.
Location: Parinari, Peru.

Pound, 1938a: [POU38A] type 1 - long, generally warty pods with a pronounced bottleneck and a conspicuous point, type 2 - lack the pronounced bottleneck, type 3 - pods shorter and lack both the pronounced bottle neck and point, type 4 - smooth lagarta, ie with bottle neck and point but with shallow furrows and a smooth shell, type 5 - as type 1 but with very small beans, type 6 - short, 10 ridged oval, warty pods, sometimes with red tint. Posnette, 1945A [POS45A]. Parinari type has long petioles (2-3 cm) with pulvini separated by a long, deep constriction even when young. The stamen filaments are not pigmented.

Notes:  Selections from the region around Parinari.

Pound, 1938a [POU38A]. Pods probably collected from some 20 trees free of Witches' Broom in a population of type 1,2,3, and 4. Further collections may have made around Porvenir (between the Boca del Huallaga and Boca del Pastaza) from types 5 and 6.

Pound, 1943b [POU43B]. 277 plants were planted at Marper farm.

Bartley, 1998a [BAR98A] Parinari means tree and it is the name of a place on the River Amazon (Maranon) in Peru. However it is believed to refer to a region rather than a specific place. Types 5 and 6 were collected from along the whole stretch of the Maranon River.

Synonyms: IFC 317 [IMP], G VI 188, PARINARI 7 [PER]


 Lockwood, G, 2015
Recommended seed parent in:
Seed Garden / Source: Cocobod-SPD
Bi-parental cross: PA 7 [PER] x T 85 /799 [POS] 
Recommended by: Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG), Ghana
Year: 1999 (Current)
 Sounigo, Olivier & Ives Bruno Efombagn Mousseni, 2012
Recommended seed parent in:
Seed Garden / Source: PSCC/IRAD
Female Parent in Seed Garden with: IMC 60   |  UPA 143   |  UPA 337   |  PA 70 [PER]   |  BBK 726   |  P 7 [POU]   |  GU 255 /V   |  GU 144 /C   |  IMC 67   |  PA 107 [PER]   |  PA 150 [PER]   |  SCA 12   |  SCA 6   |  SCA 24   |  T 60 /887 [POS]   |  T 79 /501 [POS]   |  UPA 134   |  SNK 630   |  ICS 84   |  SNK 15   |  SNK 413   |  SNK 64   |  SNK 608   |  SNK 620   |  TIKO 32   |  BBK 1016   |  BBK 109 
Recommended by: Institut de Recherche Agricole pour le Développement (IRAD), Cameroon
Status: current


 Mother to:
ARDACIAR 10    Dinarti, D et al., 2015
BAL 206    Pang, J.T.Y. et al., 1994
C 40 [TAF]    Toxopeus, H., 1968
C 42 [TAF]    Toxopeus, H., 1968
C 43 [TAF]    Toxopeus, H., 1968
C 57 [TAF]    Toxopeus, H., 1968
C 85 [TAF]    Toxopeus, H., 1968
G VI 35    India - Kerala, 1996
I 56 [IND]    CPCRI, 2008
T 60 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /1049 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /1050 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /1051 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /1052 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /1057 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /1174 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /1175 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /1176 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /162 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /174 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /1774 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /1775 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /1776 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /1803 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /1887 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /201 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /2254 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /2290 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /2292 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /2310 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /475 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /877 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /885 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /886 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /887 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /962 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /963 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /964 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /973 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /974 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /975 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 60 /976 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 65 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
 Father to:
BAL 216    Pang, J.T.Y. et al., 1994
C 67 [TAF]    Toxopeus, H., 1968
C 68 [TAF]    Toxopeus, H., 1968
C 69 [TAF]    Toxopeus, H., 1968
FP 10    Lee, M.T. et al., 1993
FP 6    Lee, M.T. et al., 1993
FP 7    Lee, M.T. et al., 1993
FP 9    Lee, M.T. et al., 1993
III 105 [IND]    CPCRI, 2008
PBC 247    Malaysia - Prang Besar, 1982
T 79 [POS]    Ghana - WACRI, No Date
T 86 [POS]    Togo - IRCC Togo, 1986


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Current List   ICQC,R Website
• Accession: RUQ 113     ICQC,R 
   - Local Name: PA 7 [PER]
   - Year of Accession: 1988
• Accession: RUQ 113B     ICQC,R 
   - Local Name: PA 7 [PER]
   - Year of Accession: 1988
List received in 2012   Reference
• Accession: 950
   - Local Name: PA 7
List received in 2012   Reference
• Local Name: PA-7
   - Year of Accession: 1996
List received in 1985   Reference
• Local Name: PA 7 [PER]
List received in 1971   Reference
• Local Name: PA 7 [PER]
List received in 2018   Reference
• Accession: 21845
   - Local Name: PA-7 [PER]
   - Year of Accession: 2002
List received in 2012   Reference
• Local Name: PA 7
   - Year of Accession: 1996
List received in 2012   Reference
• Local Name: PA 7
   - Year of Accession: 1974
List received in 2008   Reference
• Accession: VTLC 129
   - Local Name: GVI-188
List received in 1997   Reference
• Accession: 188
   - Local Name: PA 7 [PER]
   - Year of Accession: 1990
List received in 2008   Reference
• Accession: IDN-13-TCAC-00185
   - Local Name: PA7
• Accession: IDN-13-TCAC-00404
   - Local Name: PA7
List received in 2008   Reference
• Local Name: Pa 7
List received in 1990   Reference
• Local Name: PA 7 [PER]
List received in 1998   Reference
• Local Name: PA 7 [PER]
   - Year of Accession: 1997
List received in 1971   Reference
• Local Name: PA 7 [PER]
List received in 2012   Reference
• Local Name: Pa7
List received in 1991   Reference
• Local Name: PA 7 [PER]
List received in 2024   Reference
• Accession: PI 668480     GRIN-Global 
   - Local Name: PA 7 [PER]
   - Year of Accession: 2008
List received in 2012   Reference
• Local Name: PA 7
   - Year of Accession: 1991


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Intermediate, sp. P. palmivora (Pod).
 Togo - IRCC Togo, 1986
Susceptible, 94.00 % Infection, sp. P. palmivora (Pod).
Note: Unripe, Attached and not wounded
 Blaha, G. & Lotode, R., 1976
Tolerant, sp. P. palmivora (Pod).
 Enriquez, G. & Soria, V.J., 1977
 Cocoa Swollen Shoot Virus
 Lockwood, G., 1986
 Vascular Streak Dieback
Cross: NA 32  x PA 7 [PER]
 Bong, C.L. et al., 1995
30.90 % Infection (Field Reaction).
Note: 19.9% of trees with <30% infected branches, 11.0% of trees with 30 to 70% infected branches, 0.0% of trees with >70% infected branches.. Sime Darby Plantations, Devon Estate.
 Lam, K.S., 1992
87.50 % Infection
Note: 4 plants sampled..
 Subali, S., 1992
 Phua, P.K. et al., 1990
 Bong, C.L. & Phua, P.K., 1989
Moderately Susceptible, isolate/strain S10
 Bong, C.L. et al., 1996
Moderate Resistance, isolate/strain S11
 Bong, C.L. et al., 1996
Moderately Susceptible, isolate/strain S12
 Bong, C.L. et al., 1996
Moderate Resistance, isolate/strain S4
 Bong, C.L. et al., 1996
Moderately Susceptible, isolate/strain S6
 Bong, C.L. et al., 1996


Moderate Damage
 N'Goran, J.A.K. et al., 1993


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 Malaysia - Applied Agriculture, 1992
Seed Index: 111.1 (dried beans per 100g)
Pod Index: 32.5 (pods per kg dried beans)
 Malaysia - BAL Plantations, 1991
Seed Index: 117.6 (dried beans per 100g)
Pod Index: 37.8 (pods per kg dried beans)
 Clapperton, J. et al., 1994
Seed Index: 99.0 (dried beans per 100g)
 Lam, K.S., 1992
Seed Index: 130.9 (dried beans per 100g)
Pod Index: 33.1 (pods per kg dried beans)


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 Malaysia - Applied Agriculture, 1992
Number: 34.0
Dry Weight: 0.90 g
 Malaysia - BAL Plantations, 1991
Number: 31.1
Total Dry Weight: 26.5 g
Dry Weight: 0.85 g
Note: 36 plants sampled
 KKO, 1993
Colour: dark purple
Size: small
Number: 54.0
 Lam, K.S., 1992
Number: 43.4
Dry Weight: 0.76 g
 USDA, ARS Tropical Agriculture Research Station, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico., 2024
Acc: PI 668480
Number: 33.1


 Malaysia - BAL Plantations, 1991
Butterfat Content: 57.20 %
Maximum Butterfat Content: 58.86 %
Minimum Butterfat Content: 56.55 %
Note: 8 plants sampled


 USDA, ARS Tropical Agriculture Research Station, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico., 2024
Acc: PI 668480
Length: 139.0 mm
Breadth: 82.0 mm
Weight: 352.1 g


 Fiona Lahive, 2017
Accession: RUQ 113
Light Saturated Photosynthetic Rate: 5.76 μmol m2 s-1
Stomatal Conductance: 0.11 mol m2 s-1
Transpiration Rate: 1.54 mmol m2 s-1
Intrinsic Water Use Efficiency: 52.63 μmol mol-1
Instantaneous Water Use Efficiency: 3.79 mmol mol-1
Flush Size: 6
Leaf Area: 247.90 cm2
Leaf Dry Weight: 1.41 g
Specific Leaf Area: 176.90 cm2 g-1


 Frances Bekele & Gillian Bidaisee, 2022
Colour: moderate anthocyanin


 Malaysia - BAL Plantations, 1991
Self Compatibility: self incompatible
 Posnette, A.F., 1945
Self Compatibility: self incompatible

Pound, F.J. (1938) Cacao and Witchbroom Disease of South America with notes on other species of Theobroma. Archives of Cocoa Research 1: pp. 26-71.
Lockwood, G (2015) Report on Cacao Planting Materials from Various Cocoa Producing Countries. Supplying New Cocoa Planting Material to Farmers: A Review of Propagation Methodologies, edited by Brigitte Laliberté and Michelle J End, 121–50. Rome: Bioversity International
Sounigo, Olivier & Ives Bruno Efombagn Mousseni (2012) Cocoa Improvement and Variety Delivery Effort in Cameroon. INGENIC Seventh Workshop: Cocoa Variety Development and the Supply of Planting Materials to Farmers. 21st - 22nd October 2012
Dinarti, D, Agung W Susilo, Lyndel W Meinhardt, K Ji, Lambert A Motilal, S Mischke, & Dapeng Zhang (2015) Genetic Diversity and Parentage in Farmer Selections of Cacao from Southern Sulawesi, Indonesia Revealed by Microsatellite Markers. Breeding Science 65 (5): 438–46
Pang, J.T.Y., Lim, D.H.K. & Lockwood, G. (1994) Clonal cocoa trials and selection for superior clones. In: Proceedings of the International Cocoa Conference: Challenges in the 90's, Kuala Lumpur, 1991. Malaysian Cocoa Board, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. pp. 38-47.
Toxopeus, H. (1968) Establishment of cacao clones in Nigeria. Euphytica, 17: pp 38-45.
India - Kerala (1996) Crop Improvement. Cadbury - KAU Co-operative Cocoa Research Project 9th Annual Report 1996-96. pp. 3-61
CPCRI (2008) Cocoa germplasm maintained at the Central Plantation Crops Research Institute (CPCRI) Regional Station, Vittal, India. Data supplied to ICGD by email. D. Balasimha, CPCRI Vittal, India, July 2008.
Ghana - WACRI (No Date) WACRI Cocoa Varieties. Explanatory notes. West African Cocoa Research Institute, Tafo, Ghana. A. Asare Nyako, Ghanaian Cocoa Board, Ghana. Personal Communication.
Lee, M.T., Tay, E.B., Lamin, K. & Saedi, M. (1993) Catalogue of locally collected clones in Malaysia. Catalogue compiled by the Malaysian Cocoa Board, Sabah, Malaysia.
Malaysia - Prang Besar (1982) Prang Besar Cocoa Clones. Internal Report, Harisson & Crossfields, Prang Besar Research Station, Malaysia. pp. 20.
Togo - IRCC Togo (1986) Collection de cacaoyers. Composition au 1er Janvier, 1986. IRCC Togo. A.B. Eskes, IRCC, Montpellier, France. Personal Communication.
CEPEC (2012) Accession list for the CEPEC (Bahia, Brazil) collection. Dr. José Luis Pires, personal communication, February 2012.
Mars Center for Cocoa Science (2012) Accession list for the Mars Center for Cocoa Science. Jean-Philippe Marelli, personal communication, February 2012.
Cameroon - IRAD Cameroun (1985) Collection Camerounaise de cacaoyers (situation en Juillet, 1985). Unpublished report, IRCC Cameroun. Supplied by A.B. Eskes, IRCC Montpellier.
Leon, J. & Sgaravatti, E. (1971) Provisional list of genetic materials for plant introduction and exchange. AGPE Misc 71/2. FAO, Rome. pp. 26.
Allan Mata (2018) Accession list for the International Cacao Collection at CATIE (IC3). Personal communication.
Philippe Lachenaud (2012) CIRAD Montpellier Clone List (Excel Spreadsheet). Data supplied to ICGD by email. Dr. Philippe Lachenaud, CIRAD Montpellier, France, January 2012.
CRIG (2012) Cocoa accessions held in the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG). Francis Kwame Padi, personal communication, February 2012.
India - Kerala (1997) List of survivng clones from all the introductions. R.V. Nair, Kerala Agricultural University, India. Personal Communication.
Susilo, A. (2008) The list of germplasm collected by ICCRI. Personal communication from Agung Susilo, July 2008.
Haeser, E. (2008) Accession list for Bah Lias Research Station, PT.PP. London Sumatra, Indonesia. Personal communication, March 2010.
Malaysia - ARC Tuaran (1990) List of clones held in the Dept. of Agriculture's collection, at Sabah, Tuaran, Malaysia. E.B. Tay, Malaysian Cocoa Board, Malaysia. Personal Communication.
PNG - Cocoa & Coconut Research (1998) Current list of cocoa accessions at the PNG CCRI. Mr. Mathias Faure, Personal Communication.
Suchirat Sakuanrungsirikul (2012) Cocoa germplasm maintained at the Chumphon Research Center, Thailand. Data supplied to ICGD by email. Suchirat Sakuanrungsirikul, Agricultural Research Officer, Department of Agriculture, Thailand. January 2012.
Togo - IRCC Togo (1991) Collection des clones de cacaoyers presents au Togo. Unpublished report, IRCC Togo, p.1.
USDA, ARS Tropical Agriculture Research Station, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. (2024) List of cocoa accessions held at Mayaguez in September 2024. USDA-ARS GRIN-Global. [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
Philippe Bastide. (2012) Les clones suivis au Vanuatu (unpublished list of accessions). Personal communication, February 2012.
Blaha, G. & Lotode, R. (1976) Un critere primordial de selection du cacaoyer au Cameroun: la resistance a la pourriture brune des cabossees ( Phytophthora palmivora ). Cafe, Cacao, The 20(2): pp. 97-116.
Enriquez, G. & Soria, V.J. (1977) Mejoramiento genético para resistencia a cinco enfermedades del cacao. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Cocoa Research Conference, Caracas, Venezuela, 1977. Cocoa Producers' Alliance, Lagos, Nigeria. pp. 45-56.
Lockwood, G. (1986) Report on cocoa breeding & seed production. Unpublished report for the Government of Ghana, Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana, CDC (UK.). pp. 23.
Bong, C.L., Tay, E.B., Lee, M.T. & Chong, T.C. (1995) Comparative study on cultural practices and planting materials in the management of vascular streak dieback and productivity in cocoa. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Cocoa Research Conference, Yammoussoukro, Cote d'Ivoire 1993. Cocoa Producers' Alliance, Lagos, Nigeria. pp. 197-203.
Lam, K.S. (1992) Performance of imported clones in Sime Darby Plantations. In: Unpublished Proceedings of MCGC Mini-Seminar on the Performance of Imported Cocoa Clones, 13th October, 1992. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Subali, S. (1992) MARDI's results on performance of imported primary cocoa clones. In: Unpublished Proceedings of MCGC Mini-Seminar on the Performance of Imported Cocoa Clones, 13th October, 1992. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Phua, P.K., Lamin, K & Lee, M.T. (1990) Cocoa germplasm in Sabah and their potential. In: Proceedings of the MCGC-Malaysia Cocoa Board Workshop on Cocoa Agricultural Research. MCGC, Malaysia.
Bong, C.L. & Phua, P.K. (1989) Screening of hybrid materials for resistance to VSD. In: Research on Cocoa VSD in Sabah. Technical Bulletin No. 9, Dept. of Agriculture, Sabah, Malaysia. pp. 43-39.
Bong, C.L., Lee, M.T. & Yahya, M.N. (1996) Interaction between cocoa clones and isolates of Oncobasidium theobromae causal pathogen of Vascular Streak Dieback. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Cocoa Research Conference, Salvador, Brazil, 1996. Cocoa Producers' Alliance. (in press).
N'Goran, J.A.K., Lachenaud, P., Bastide P., & Paulin, D. (1993) Cocoa germplasm conservation initiatives in Cote d'Ivoire. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Conservation, Characterisation and Utilisation of Cocoa Genetic Resources in the 21st Century. CRU, UWI, Trinidad. pp. 221-227.
Malaysia - Applied Agriculture (1992) Data from Applied Agriculture Research Unit (AARU). In: Unpublished Proceedings of MCGC Mini-Seminar on the Performance of Imported Cocoa Clones, 13th October 1992, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: pp. 4.
Malaysia - BAL Plantations (1991) Results from cocoa butter content determinations using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analysis. G. Lockwood, CDC, U.K. Personal Communication.
Clapperton, J., Yow, S., Chan, J., Lim, D., Lockwood, R., Romanczyk, L. & Hammerstone, J. (1994) The contribution of genotype to cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) flavour. Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad) 71(4): pp. 303-308.
KKO (1993) Information from the KKO cocoa germplasm database. Information supplied on computer diskette by C. Cilas, CIRAD-CP, France.
Fiona Lahive (2017) Phenotypic data from climate change trials. Personal communication.
Frances Bekele & Gillian Bidaisee (2022) Morphological data from the International Cocoa Collection (ICG,T) maintained by the Cocoa Research Centre (CRC), Trinidad & Tobago. Unpublished data on fruit, bean, flower and flush morphology supplied as an Excel spreadsheet by Frances Bekele. Last update March 2022.
Posnette, A.F. (1945) Incompatibility in Amazon cacao. Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad) 22: pp. 184-187.