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GU 123 /V    Theobroma cacao

 French Guiana - CIRAD-CP (1994)
Morphological characteristics of the clones held at CIRAD Guyane. Data supplied to ICGD on computer diskette. Dr. Ph. Lachenaud, CIRAD Guyane.

Collected by Clement/Salle IRCC.
Location: Haut Camopi+Ecuador, French Guiana.

Lachenaud, 1993a [LAC93A]. Haut-Camopi material (See CAM 1, 3, 7, 9, 12) generally tall, Leaves - pigmented flushes, Fruit - heterogeneity in pod shape but usually green, clear basal constriction, obtuse apex, intermediate surface rugosity, prominent paired ridges.

Notes:  French Guiana - CIRAD-CP, 1994 [GUY94A] GU 112-359 from French Guiana, GU 360-370 from Ecuador.

Some publications have erroneously omitted the GU code and list only the clone number and suffix, for example 269H = GU 269/H and N 123 = GU 123/N.

2 May 2002 Data collected on wild trees from which the GU material were collected as seed has been removed from the ICGD on the recommendation of Philippe Lachenaud (CIRAD-CP). The descriptors referred only to the wild material which was never cloned in genebanks and as such the presence of these data were believed to be misleading. All GU material was collected as seed and properly labelled material should include a letter suffix at the end of the name.


5 April 2002. Name new to the database from the France - CIRAD Montpellier database/accession list [MON02B].


Location: R. Camopi, Haut Camopi, French Guiana (primary forest)
Date: 1 May 1987
Coordinates: 53°25'4" W, 2°20'3" N
Material collected: Seed
Notes: edge of creek, same tree as GU 122
Expedition Code: 87GU
   Sallee, B., 1987


GU 123  x Unknown


 Guiltinan, Mark, 2019
'Guiana' Population


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 Guiltinan, Mark, 2019
 Reference    View Associated Data
BioProject: PRJNA558793   NCBI   ENA FASTQ 
Library Source: Genomic & Transcriptomic
Run: SRR14022533   NCBI   ENA FASTQ 
Library Source: Genomic
Experiment: SRX10399142
BioSample: SAMN12500400
SampleName: GU-123V
SampleSource: Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Costa Rica, Tree_ID: P000128
Run: SRR9938313   NCBI   ENA FASTQ 
Library Source: Genomic
Experiment: SRX6686810
BioSample: SAMN12500400
SampleName: GU-123V
SampleSource: Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Costa Rica, Tree_ID: P000128
Run: SRR9938314   NCBI   ENA FASTQ 
Library Source: Genomic
Experiment: SRX6686809
BioSample: SAMN12500400
SampleName: GU-123V
SampleSource: Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Costa Rica, Tree_ID: P000128
Run: SRR9938317   NCBI   ENA FASTQ 
Library Source: Genomic
Experiment: SRX6686806
BioSample: SAMN12500400
SampleName: GU-123V
SampleSource: Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Costa Rica, Tree_ID: P000128
Run: SRR9938250   NCBI   ENA FASTQ 
Library Source: Transcriptomic
Experiment: SRX6686873
BioSample: SAMN12500400
SampleName: GU-123V
SampleSource: Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Costa Rica, Tree_ID: P000128


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Current List   ICQC,R Website
• Accession: RUQ 1068     ICQC,R 
   - Local Name: GU 123/V
   - Year of Accession: 2001
• Accession: RUQ 187     ICQC,R 
   - Local Name: GU 123/V
   - Year of Accession: 1988
List received in 2018   Reference
• Accession: 21870
   - Local Name: GU 123-V
   - Year of Accession: 2004
List received in 2012   Reference
• Local Name: GU 123 V
List received in 2012   Reference
• Local Name: GU123/V


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 Guiltinan, Mark, 2019
Resistant, sp. P. megakarya (Leaf Disc Test).
Note: Described as Very Resistant. Mean of lesion score = 0.16. Population Tanpok
 Paulin, D. et al., 2008
Resistant, sp. P. palmivora (Leaf Disc Test).
Note: Described as Very Resistant. Strain TRI 1. Population Tanpok
 Lachenaud, Ph. et al., 2007


 Fiona Lahive, 2017
Accession: RUQ 1068/RUQ 187
Light Saturated Photosynthetic Rate: 3.86 μmol m2 s-1
Stomatal Conductance: 0.08 mol m2 s-1
Transpiration Rate: 1.28 mmol m2 s-1
Intrinsic Water Use Efficiency: 56.33 μmol mol-1
Instantaneous Water Use Efficiency: 3.66 mmol mol-1
Flush Size: 5
Leaf Area: 292.10 cm2
Leaf Dry Weight: 1.95 g
Specific Leaf Area: 149.90 cm2 g-1


 Frances Bekele & Gillian Bidaisee, 2022
Colour: moderate anthocyanin

French Guiana - CIRAD-CP (1994) Morphological characteristics of the clones held at CIRAD Guyane. Data supplied to ICGD on computer diskette. Dr. Ph. Lachenaud, CIRAD Guyane.
Sallee, B. (1987) Compte rendu de prospection dans les populations naturelles de Theobroma cacao L. du Haut Camopi (Guyane Francais) 14/4 au 12/5/87. Unpublished report, IRCC/CIRAD, 97387 Kourou, Guyane, pp. 45.
Guiltinan, Mark (2019) Theobroma cacao Disease Resistance: Discovery and Functional Characterization of Genes Regulating Plant Immunity in Perennial Crops. NCBI
Allan Mata (2018) Accession list for the International Cacao Collection at CATIE (IC3). Personal communication.
Philippe Lachenaud (2012) F. Guiana database, CIRAD-CP. Data supplied to ICGD by email. Dr. Philippe Lachenaud, CIRAD Montpellier, France, January 2012.
CRIG (2012) Cocoa accessions held in the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG). Francis Kwame Padi, personal communication, February 2012.
Paulin, D., Ducamp, M. & Lachenaud, P. (2008) New sources of resistance to Phytophthora megakarya identified in wild cocoa tree populations of French Guiana. Crop Protection. 27: pp 1143–1147.
Lachenaud, Ph., Paulin, D., Ducamp, M. & Thevenin, J.-M. (2007) Twenty years of agronomic evaluation of wild cocoa trees (Theobroma cacao L.) from French Guiana. Scientia Horticulturae. 113: pp 313–321.
Fiona Lahive (2017) Phenotypic data from climate change trials. Personal communication.
Frances Bekele & Gillian Bidaisee (2022) Morphological data from the International Cocoa Collection (ICG,T) maintained by the Cocoa Research Centre (CRC), Trinidad & Tobago. Unpublished data on fruit, bean, flower and flush morphology supplied as an Excel spreadsheet by Frances Bekele. Last update March 2022.