Yield Data  

H. bin Purung, H. Mohammed, Kartika Fauziah, M. Imron, Hilman, E. Sulistyowati, S. Sukamto, A.W. Susilo, E. Mardiono, A. Purwantara, A. Iswanto, Y. Suarni, Octovanius, Suprapto, Sudirman, M. Hidayat, D. Ismail, S. Lambert, J. Neilson, D.I. Guest, P.J. McMahon & P.J Keane (2009) Testing Local Genotypes with Cocoa Smallholders in Sulawesi. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Cocoa Research Conference, Bali, Indonesia (November 2009). Cocoa Producers' Alliance, Lagos, Nigeria.

Clone nameSeed indexPod indexYield tree
Aryadi 2132.031.0-
Geni J84.023.02.27
M 1 [IDN]63.716.02.79
M 5 [IDN]
M 6 [IDN]91.722.02.11
Panimbu Red79.815.02.13
Patila Green80.218.01.19
PBC 12390.0--
SS Rewang84.723.01.31
Terobok Green78.819.02.68
TR 1 [IDN]