Disease Data  

H. bin Purung, H. Mohammed, Kartika Fauziah, M. Imron, Hilman, E. Sulistyowati, S. Sukamto, A.W. Susilo, E. Mardiono, A. Purwantara, A. Iswanto, Y. Suarni, Octovanius, Suprapto, Sudirman, M. Hidayat, D. Ismail, S. Lambert, J. Neilson, D.I. Guest, P.J. McMahon & P.J Keane (2009) Testing Local Genotypes with Cocoa Smallholders in Sulawesi. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Cocoa Research Conference, Bali, Indonesia (November 2009). Cocoa Producers' Alliance, Lagos, Nigeria.

Clone namePathogenReactionNotes
Aryadi 2Vascular Streak DiebackresistantTested at Bonebone, North Luwu
DRC 15Vascular Streak Diebackmoderate resistanceTested at Allacimpo, Pinrang
Geni JVascular Streak DiebackresistantTested at Allacimpo, Pinrang
Hari JVascular Streak DiebackresistantTested at Bonebone, North Luwu
ICCRI 04Vascular Streak Diebackmoderate resistanceTested at Bonebone, North Luwu
ICCRI 04Vascular Streak Diebackmoderately susceptibleTested at Allacimpo, Pinrang
M 1 [IDN]Vascular Streak Diebackmoderately susceptibleTested at Bonebone, North Luwu, and Allacimpo, Pinrang
M 4 [IDN]Vascular Streak Diebackmoderately susceptibleTested at Bonebone, North Luwu, and Allacimpo, Pinrang
M 5 [IDN]Vascular Streak DiebackresistantTested at Allacimpo, Pinrang
M 6 [IDN]Vascular Streak Diebackmoderate resistanceTested at Allacimpo, Pinrang
MA/PG 01 [IDN]Vascular Streak DiebacksusceptibleTested at Bonebone, North Luwu
Panimbu RedVascular Streak DiebacksusceptibleTested at Bonebone, North Luwu
Panimbu RedVascular Streak Diebackmoderately susceptibleTested at Allacimpo, Pinrang
Patila GreenVascular Streak DiebacksusceptibleTested at Bonebone, North Luwu
PBC 123Vascular Streak DiebackresistantTested at Bonebone, North Luwu, and Allacimpo, Pinrang
PCKVascular Streak Diebackmoderate resistanceTested at Allacimpo, Pinrang
RB [IDN]Vascular Streak Diebackmoderate resistanceTested at Allacimpo, Pinrang
SS RewangVascular Streak DiebacksusceptibleTested at Bonebone, North Luwu
Terobok GreenVascular Streak DiebacksusceptibleTested at Bonebone, North Luwu
TR 1 [IDN]Vascular Streak DiebacksusceptibleTested at Allacimpo, Pinrang
YD 75Vascular Streak Diebackmoderately susceptibleTested at Bonebone, North Luwu