Cocoa Genetic Resources

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Estacion Exeparimental Los Brillantes
Santa Cruz, MulĂșa, Retalhuleu
116 clones/accessions in ICGD (last updated 1994)


Further Details

Number of accessions: 116
Number of clones: 113
  Unique: 16 (14.16%)
     As % of whole (10912): 0.15
  Duplicated: 18 (15.93%)
  Triplicated: 8 (7.08%)
  Remaining: 71

Unique Plants 16  

1 CC 66   View

2 EET 49 [ECU]   View

3 RIM 46 [MEX]   View


5 SGU 1   View

6 SGU 46   View

7 SGU 49   View

8 SGU 55   View

9 SGU 61   View

10 SGU 62   View

11 SGU 78   View

12 SGU 79   View

13 SGU 92   View

14 SGU 95   View

15 SIC 8   View

16 UF 996   View

Duplicated Plants 18  

1 EET 46 [ECU]   View

2 EET 466 [ECU]   View

3 SGU 4   View

4 SGU 20   View

5 SGU 63   View

6 SGU 66   View

7 SGU 67   View

8 SGU 74   View

9 SGU 75   View

10 SGU 82   View

11 SGU 83   View

12 SGU 86   View

13 SGU 90   View

14 SGU 93   View

15 SGU 94   View

16 SGU 104   View

17 SIC 3   View

18 SIC 6   View

Triplicated Plants 8  

1 CC 182   View

2 SGU 2   View

3 SGU 43   View

4 SGU 53   View

5 SGU 68   View

6 SGU 73   View

7 SGU 85   View

8 SGU 87   View