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 LCT EEN 302    Theobroma cacao

 Allen, J.B. (1987)
London Cocoa Trade Amazon Project. Final Report Phase 2. Cocoa Growers' Bulletin (Cadbury Schweppes plc, Birmingham, U.K.) 39: pp. 1-94.

Derivation: London Cocoa Trade Est. Exp. Napo.
Collected by Allen.
Location: Ecuador.

Notes:  Allen, 1989a [ALL89A] Seedling progenies are identifed by the suffix /s2, /s3. The numbers in the suffix of the seedling material relates to the genebank/quarantine station where the seedling material was originally sent as follows:

s1,s2... in San Carlos genebank, Ecuador,

s101,s102... at Kew (and moved to Trinidad),

s201,s202... at USDA Miami quarantine station,

s301,s302... at Barbados quarantine station.


Synonyms: EEN 302


Location: R. Upano, Morona - Santiago, Ecuador (pasture)
Date: 23 November 1981
Coordinates: 78.10 W, 2.32 S
Material collected: Pod
Altitude: 760 m
Notes: Huambi, via Sucua-Limon 6km. east of the road
Expedition Code: 80EQ
   Allen, J.B., 1987



 Motamayor, J.C. et al., 2008
'Amelonado' Population


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Current List   ICQC,R Website
• Accession: RUQ 687     ICQC,R 
   - Local Name: LCT EEN 302
   - Year of Accession: 1996
List received in 2018   Reference
• Accession: 21855
   - Local Name: LCTEEN-302
   - Year of Accession: 2004
List received in 1990   Reference
• Local Name: LCT EEN 302
List received in 2012   Reference
• Local Name: LCTEEN - 302
   - Year of Accession: 2005
List received in 2012   Reference
• Local Name: LCTEEN302
List received in 2011   Reference
• Local Name: LCT EEN 302
   - Year of Accession: 1994
List received in 2024   Reference
• Accession: PI 668474     GRIN-Global 
   - Local Name: LCT EEN 302
   - Year of Accession: 2008


Susceptible, sp. P. palmivora (Pod).
Note: Unripe, Unattached and not wounded
 Iwaro, D., 1998


 Allen, J.B., 1987
Colour Dark Purple: Absent
Colour Light Purple: Absent
Colour White: Present
Number: 38.0
Length: 23.7 mm
Width: 15.0 mm
Thickness: 9.5 mm
Cotyledon Wet Weight: 2.09 g
Note: expedition data


 Allen, J.B., 1987
Basal Constriction: absent
Apex Form: attenuate
Rugosity: intense
Husk Thickness: 12 mm
Length: 175.0 mm
Breadth: 92.0 mm
Colour: anthocyanin absent
Weight: 400.0 g
Length Breadth Ratio: 1.90
Note: expedition data


 Fiona Lahive, 2017
Accession: RUQ 687
Light Saturated Photosynthetic Rate: 4.42 μmol m2 s-1
Stomatal Conductance: 0.11 mol m2 s-1
Transpiration Rate: 0.94 mmol m2 s-1
Intrinsic Water Use Efficiency: 59.49 μmol mol-1
Instantaneous Water Use Efficiency: 4.80 mmol mol-1
Flush Size: 4
Leaf Area: 264.30 cm2
Leaf Dry Weight: 1.50 g
Specific Leaf Area: 177.40 cm2 g-1


 Allen, J.B., 1988
Colour: anthocyanin absent
 Frances Bekele & Gillian Bidaisee, 2022
Colour: anthocyanin absent

Allen, J.B. (1987) London Cocoa Trade Amazon Project. Final Report Phase 2. Cocoa Growers' Bulletin (Cadbury Schweppes plc, Birmingham, U.K.) 39: pp. 1-94.
Motamayor, J.C., Lachenaud, P., da Silva e Mota, J.W., Loor, R., Kuhn, D.N., Brown, J.S. & Schnell, R.J. (2008) Geographic and Genetic Population Differentiation of the Amazonian Chocolate Tree (Theobroma cacao L). PLoS ONE 3(10): e3311. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003311
Allan Mata (2018) Accession list for the International Cacao Collection at CATIE (IC3). Personal communication.
Ecuador - Napo (1990) Lista de los materiales en San Carlos, Napo, basada en Informe Final de Allen, 1987, y la lista de CRU, Trinidad (29 Junio 1990), de materiales ya establecidos. Unpublished report, E.E.T. San Carlos, Napo, Ecuador, pp. 2.
EET - Pichilingue (2012) Accessions planted in EET - Pichilingue, Ecuador. Freddy Amores and Ignacio Sotomayor C, personal communication, February 2012.
CRIG (2012) Cocoa accessions held in the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG). Francis Kwame Padi, personal communication, February 2012.
CRU (2011) ICG,T accessions. CRU website.
USDA, ARS Tropical Agriculture Research Station, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. (2024) List of cocoa accessions held at Mayaguez in September 2024. USDA-ARS GRIN-Global. [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
Iwaro, D. (1998) Evalation of accessions for Black Pod. Personal Communication 30th October 1998. Data sent by email from Dr. Iwaro.
Fiona Lahive (2017) Phenotypic data from climate change trials. Personal communication.
Allen, J.B. (1988) Geographical variation and population biology in wild Theobroma cacao. PhD. Thesis, University of Edinburgh, U.K. pp. 197.
Frances Bekele & Gillian Bidaisee (2022) Morphological data from the International Cocoa Collection (ICG,T) maintained by the Cocoa Research Centre (CRC), Trinidad & Tobago. Unpublished data on fruit, bean, flower and flush morphology supplied as an Excel spreadsheet by Frances Bekele. Last update March 2022.