Fruit Data  

Soria, V.J. (1970) The latest cocoa expeditions to the Amazon Basin. Cacao (Costa Rica) 15: pp. 5-15.

Clone nameShapeRugositySizeColourInfo
AB 1 [BRA]amelonado-mediumgreen-
ANTIGUA URBINA 1amelonado---expedition data
ANTIGUA URBINA 2amelonado---expedition data
ANTIGUA URBINA 3amelonado---expedition data
ARCHIDONA 1amelonado---expedition data
ARCHIDONA 2amelonado---expedition data
ARCHIDONA 3amelonado---expedition data
ARCHIDONA 4amelonado---expedition data
C SUL 1amelonado-mediumgreen-
C SUL 10amelonadosmoothmediumgreen-
C SUL 11cylindrical-mediumgreen - white-
C SUL 12cylindricalmoderatemediumgreen-
C SUL 2cylindricalintensemediumgreen-
C SUL 6amelonadosmoothmediumgreen-
C SUL 7-moderatesmallgreen-
C SUL 9amelonadomoderatemediumgreen - white-
CA 1 [BRA]cundeamorintensemediumgreen-
CA 2 [BRA]cundeamorintenselargegreen - white-
CA 3 [BRA]amelonadosmoothmediumgreen-
CA 4 [BRA]cundeamormoderatelargegreen-
CA 5 [BRA]amelonadosmooth-green-
CA 6 [BRA]amelonadosmoothmediumgreen-
CJ 1 [BRA]cylindricalsmoothmediumgreen - white-
CJ 10 [BRA]amelonadosmoothmediumgreen - white-
CJ 11 [BRA]amelonado-largegreen - white-
CJ 12 [BRA]cylindricalsmoothlargewhite-
CJ 2 [BRA]amelonado-mediumgreen - white-
CJ 3 [BRA]amelonadosmoothmediumgreen - white-
CJ 4 [BRA]amelonadosmoothmediumgreen-
CJ 5 [BRA]amelonado-mediumgreen - white-
CJ 6 [BRA]amelonadosmoothmediumgreen-
CJ 7 [BRA]amelonadomoderatemediumgreen-
CJ 8 [BRA]cylindricalmoderatelargegreen - white-
CJ 9 [BRA]cylindricalmoderatesmallgreen - white-
JU 1cylindricalmoderatesmallgreen - white-
JU 10cylindricalintensemediumgreen-
JU 2amelonadosmoothsmallgreen-
JU 3amelonadosmoothsmallgreen-
JU 4amelonadosmoothmediumgreen - white-
JU 5amelonadomoderatelargegreen-
JU 6amelonadointensemediumgreen - white-
JU 7amelonado-smallgreen-
JU 8amelonadosmoothsmallgreen-
JU 9cylindricalintensesmallgreen-
LIMON COCHA 2amelonado---expedition data
LIMON COCHA 3amelonado---expedition data
LIMON COCHA 4amelonado---expedition data
MOA 2amelonadomoderatemediumgreen - white-
MOA 4amelonadosmoothmediumgreen - white-
SE 1 [B67]amelonado--green-
SILECIA 9 [ECU]amelonado---expedition data
TENA 1amelonado---expedition data
TENA 2amelonado---expedition data