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P 8 [VEN]    Theobroma cacao

Location: Venezuela.

Notes:  Lockwood & Gyamfi, 1979, [LOC79A] Code used in Surinam.

Bartley, 1993a [BAR93A]. According to Lems "..selected in a 1933 field with hand-pollinated seedlings on 'Rust en Werk' Estate shortly after the second world war. In this field with impeded drainage, it was selected for its size (Stahel, 1947a [STA47A]). It was the intention to use this clone for stock for other selections but it was never used."


Synonyms: VLA 1008 [VEN], VLA PV 1008 [VEN]


OC 73 [VEN]  x SCA 6    Reyes, H.E. et al., 1973


List received in 1973   Reference
• Local Name: VLA 1008 [VEN]

Reyes, H.E., Perez, A.Z., Reyes, L.C. de & Wagner O., M. de J. (1973) Catalogo de cultivares de cacao ( Theobroma cacao L.). Estacion Experimental de Caucagua, Caucagua, Venezuela. pp. 131.