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 EBC 148    Theobroma cacao

 Colombia - ICA Palmira (1989)
? A catalogue of the cacao germplasm at ICA Palmira. F. Ocampo Rojas, ICA Palmira, Colombia.

Derivation: Expedicion Botanico Caqueta.
Location: Colombia.

Notes:  Bartley, 1998a [BAR98A]. Seedling progenies are identifed by the suffix /s2, /s3. The numbers in the suffix of the seedling material relates to the genebank/quarantine station where the seedling material was originally sent as follows:

s1,s2... in San Carlos genebank, Ecuador,

s101,s102... at Kew (and moved to Trinidad),

s201,s202... at USDA Miami quarantine station,

s301,s302... at Barbados quarantine station.


 Jaime A Osorio-Guarín, Jhon A Berdugo-Cely, Roberto A Coronado-Silva, Eliana Baez, Yeirme Jaimes, Roxana Yockteng (2020)
Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals Novel Candidate Genes Associated with Productivity and Disease Resistance to Moniliophthora spp. in Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.). G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, Volume 10, Issue 5, Pages 1713–1725

Derivation: Botanical Expedition of Caqueta.
Location: Colombia.


Location: R. Caqueta, Amazonas, Colombia (primary forest)
Date: 5 June 1984
Coordinates: 69.26 W, 1.20 S
Material collected: Pod
Altitude: 100 m
Notes: fr Isla Barahona
Expedition Code: 85CO
   Allen, J.B., 1987


 Mother to:
EBC 148 /S-301    Bartley, B.G.D., 1998
EBC 148 /S-401    Bartley, B.G.D., 1998
INIAP T 362    Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel, 2010
 Father to:
INIAP T 484    Freddy Amores et al., 2009
INIAP T 656    Freddy Amores et al., 2009
INIAP T 27    Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel, 2010
INIAP T 29    Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel, 2010
INIAP T 43    Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel, 2010
INIAP T 75    Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel, 2010
INIAP T 145    Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel, 2010
INIAP T 176    Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel et al., 2017
INIAP T 178    Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel, 2010
INIAP T 193    Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel, 2010
INIAP T 264    Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel, 2010
INIAP T 337    Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel, 2010
INIAP T 339    Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel, 2010
INIAP T 460    Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel, 2010
INIAP T 484    Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel, 2010
INIAP T 577    Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel, 2010
INIAP T 656    Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel, 2010


 Motamayor, J.C. et al., 2008
'Purus' Population


 Jaime A Osorio-Guarín et al., 2020
BioProject: PRJNA734904   NCBI   ENA FASTQ 
Library Source: Genomic
Run: SRR14743690   NCBI   ENA FASTQ 
Experiment: SRX11078432
BioSample: SAMN19549124
SampleSource: AGROSAVIA, Colombia


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Current List   ICQC,R Website
• Accession: RUQ 1599     ICQC,R 
   - Local Name: EBC 148
   - Year of Accession: 2006
List received in 2018   Reference
• Accession: 21958
   - Local Name: EBC-148
   - Year of Accession: 2006
List received in 2012   Reference
• Local Name: EBC - 148
   - Year of Accession: 1997
List received in 2011   Reference
• Local Name: EBC 148


 Allen, J.B., 1987
Colour Dark Purple: Present
Colour Light Purple: Absent
Colour White: Absent
Number: 43.0
Length: 27.1 mm
Width: 13.8 mm
Thickness: 9.1 mm
Cotyledon Wet Weight: 2.36 g
Note: expedition data


 Allen, J.B., 1987
Basal Constriction: slight
Apex Form: slightly acute
Rugosity: moderate
Husk Thickness: 16 mm
Length: 203.0 mm
Breadth: 95.0 mm
Colour: anthocyanin absent
Weight: 750.0 g
Length Breadth Ratio: 2.13
Note: expedition data


 Fiona Lahive, 2017
Accession: RUQ 1599
Light Saturated Photosynthetic Rate: 3.04 μmol m2 s-1
Stomatal Conductance: 0.07 mol m2 s-1
Transpiration Rate: 0.96 mmol m2 s-1
Intrinsic Water Use Efficiency: 51.75 μmol mol-1
Instantaneous Water Use Efficiency: 3.09 mmol mol-1
Flush Size: 5
Leaf Area: 275.60 cm2
Leaf Dry Weight: 1.91 g
Specific Leaf Area: 146.30 cm2 g-1

Colombia - ICA Palmira (1989) ? A catalogue of the cacao germplasm at ICA Palmira. F. Ocampo Rojas, ICA Palmira, Colombia.
Jaime A Osorio-Guarín, Jhon A Berdugo-Cely, Roberto A Coronado-Silva, Eliana Baez, Yeirme Jaimes, Roxana Yockteng (2020) Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals Novel Candidate Genes Associated with Productivity and Disease Resistance to Moniliophthora spp. in Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.). G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, Volume 10, Issue 5, Pages 1713–1725
Allen, J.B. (1987) London Cocoa Trade Amazon Project. Final Report Phase 2. Cocoa Growers' Bulletin (Cadbury Schweppes plc, Birmingham, U.K.) 39: pp. 1-94.
Bartley, B.G.D. (1998) Comments made by Dr. Bartley during his visit to Reading (19th - 31st July 1998). B.G.D. Bartley. Personal Communications.
Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel (2010) EVALUACIÓN DE CLONES DE CACAO (Theobroma Cacao L.) PROVENIENTES DE PLÁNTULAS HÍBRIDAS SELECCIONADAS POR RESISTENCIA A LA ENFERMEDAD ESCOBA DE BRUJA (Moniliopththora Perniciosa). Universidad Tecnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
Freddy Amores, Geover Peña, Darío Calderón, Juan Agama, Carmen Suarez, Juan Motamayor, Raymond Schnell, James Quiroz, Gastón Loor & Omar Tarqui (2009) Research to Identify and Develop High Yielding Fine and Flavour Cocoa Clones in Ecuador. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Cocoa Research Conference, Bali, Indonesia (November 2009). Cocoa Producers' Alliance, Lagos, Nigeria.
Tarqui-Freire, Omar Miguel, Ignacio A Sotomayor-Cantos, T Casanova, G Rodríguez, L Plaza & Zambrano (2017) Selection of Cocoa Genotypes (Theobroma Cacao L) Resistant to Witches’ Broom Disease (Moniliophthora Perniciosa) in Los Ríos, Ecuador. Ciencia y Tecnología, 10: 17–26
Motamayor, J.C., Lachenaud, P., da Silva e Mota, J.W., Loor, R., Kuhn, D.N., Brown, J.S. & Schnell, R.J. (2008) Geographic and Genetic Population Differentiation of the Amazonian Chocolate Tree (Theobroma cacao L). PLoS ONE 3(10): e3311. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0003311
Allan Mata (2018) Accession list for the International Cacao Collection at CATIE (IC3). Personal communication.
EET - Pichilingue (2012) Accessions planted in EET - Pichilingue, Ecuador. Freddy Amores and Ignacio Sotomayor C, personal communication, February 2012.
CRU (2011) ICG,T accessions. CRU website.
Fiona Lahive (2017) Phenotypic data from climate change trials. Personal communication.